Heat Wave: Tucson
T.A. Creech
12264 words
Chris wasn't surprised to find Will on his doorstep on a Friday evening. Standard operating procedure and all that. But going to Tucson Raceway Park in the middle of August was not something he wanted to do after a long day at work. Still, how could he resist spending the evening with the secret love of his life, even if it was just to watch cars go around in a circle?

But when they’re together, fast cars aren’t the only thing that can make a heart thunder on a hot summer night. Will's got a surprise in store that will definitely turn up the heat.
Tags gay erotic romance contemporary
Chapter 13
2021-12-28 14:49:36
“The chains loosened on one side. No matter what we did, the hoist wouldn’t tighten them back up. They had me hold the damn mess steady by propping up the engine at the bell housing.”Chris blinked, as
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