Never Let Go of Hope
Edward Kendrick
34677 words
Well-known artist Ellis Williams is in a slump and feeling all his fifty-three years. He's lost the joy which used to permeate his painting and despairs of ever regaining it. It doesn't help when he runs into a young man who comes on to him to win a bet, thus destroying more of Ellis's confidence.

Then, at a party, Ellis meets Martin Lovell, a man his age whose partner died soon after they adopted their son. Will these two middle-aged men learn they should never let go of hope? Or is it too late for men their age to open themselves to the possibility of love and being loved?
Tags gay romance contemporary
Chapter 39
2021-12-28 14:49:31
“Details, details,” Ellis muttered. “Not to put a damper on things though, should we…perhaps…look at some other houses first? Just to be sure there’s nothing else out there?”“How many did we check onl
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