When Fire And Ice Collides
Eleinad Aloirra
6025 words
Ice and Fire. Two elements which are deadly individually. But put them together, and the ice will melt as the fire dies. Creating another element called liquid. Not too cold nor too hot, but nourishing enough to relieve a thirst. Summer Davies and Ice Smith. Both from the high socialite, acquainted but never been friends. They both grow up in the same circle, surrounded by luxury and fame. Attends many parties, but the longest words they share are the greetings “hi” and “hello”. Engraving in their name is their identity. Summer is a hot tempered spoiled brat 28 years old who's running their architectural company, while Ice is the 29 years old cold and handsome CEO of a well known engineering company. Two total opposites combined into one project and bonded by an old marriage promise from their elders collides... And that is when chaos begins.
Tags EnemiesToLovers Billionaire ArrangeMarriage FirstLove CEO
Chapter 3 The Meeting
2022-02-10 09:30:13
*Ice's POV“I do not have time for this right now Mom, I will call you later,” I say before I turn off the call, shake my head, and drive off. As expected the news already got to her. I know that woman
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