The Rise Of The Wolves Series
129059 words
Marcus Crescent's 16th birthday has just passed. Since then he has noticed a lot of weird changes. For one, his temper flies through the roof. Not to mention he has been having the strangest of dreams. After asking his father, Marcus uncovers a dark, long hidden family secret. How will his best friend, his younger sister and his crush react when he reveals his darkest secret, more importantly, what will it mean for his future?
Tags werewolf
Chapter 77 The Heart Of A Hero
2022-05-23 14:42:12
Marcus had begun the day feeling strangely energetic. He couldn't explain it, but it felt good. For reasons unknown, he felt as though all their problems were going to decrease. Or most of them, at
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Latest Release: Chapter 77 The Heart Of A Hero
2022-05-23 14:42:12
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