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In a family of eight, six of them being children and all off the same gender, female, each one of them never had to make decisions by themselves and their actions and deeds were thoroughly supervised by their father. How-be-it, when things go south for the third child of the family and her world is shed apart, the young woman makes a difference amongst her siblings as she boldly refuses to heed to the commands of her beloved father and takes a valiant Step by leaving Florence, Italy her home town. Along the way, she faces many quagmires but eventually happened to fall in love with her boss. Things go bad again after she receives a phone call from home, and the young woman begins to think that leaving home was a grave mistake.
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Lucky you.
2022-10-20 17:37:29
"Do I look pretty enough" Bellissima asked her immediate younger sister "you always look pretty Bella" Emilia said smiling at her She gave her sister a small smile and turned to face her "I think ever
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