Mary Elizabeth Nelson
Terry Brewer
13067 words
Mary Elizabeth Nelson is the oldest child in a conservative Roman Catholic family in a wealthy suburb of San Francisco. As a sophomore at Berkeley in 1983, Mary is discovered by her mother in a "compromising position" with another woman, and she is summarily disowned.

She moves to New York and works as a waitress. While auditing an Austen seminar at NYU, she falls for fellow student, Betty Anne Elliot. The two foolishly share one night of passion before Betty decides to marry and disappear from Mary's life.

That is, until twenty years later when she calls still-single, successful writer Mary out-of-the-blue. Can the romance they had that first day blossom into love and passion?
Tags lesbian romance contemporary
Chapter 10
2021-12-28 14:48:15
When she was a junior at Stanford,she told me she plannedon going to law school and asked whether she should head east.I knew little about law schools but I did know that some of the top ones were her
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