Emma Louise
38426 words
Please stop I’ll do anything.’ ‘You promised me Lil, you promised me if I made it stop you would give me what I wanted. I done as you asked now you’re giving me what I want in return.’ ‘Please Arron I can’t do this anymore I want out.’ ‘Do you want them to do it all over agin to you?’ ‘No!’ She cried. ‘Well then you have no choice you are mine Lilly whilst you are with me you are safe do you understand?’ ‘Yes!’ She cried again. ‘Good now that’s sorted We can continue and you’ll never get hurt again. He said But she was already hurt, she was scarred not only by him but his freinds too.
Tags Abuse love hate bullying
Chapter thirty one
2022-06-22 15:33:31
Keefer. Dean and a few of their friends were in the bar having drinks as Dean looked up and straight at Tierany. "Great, did you tell we were coming here?""Who?""Tierany."
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