Sydney's Secret
103473 words
After losing her entire family, SYDNEY is forced to serve a strange master and his clan. She went through untold suffering even before she learned the truth behind her father's death and why he was killed. She went through more suffering from her master and his assistant. She was bent on dying with her family but didn't want to take her life just yet because she wanted to uncover the mystery behind her SECRET. Will she be able to do that? Who killed her father and why was he killed? What is SYDNEY'S SECRET? So many mysteries to be uncovered. I'm pretty sure you don't want to miss out on this story.
Tags icyemotionalcruelboldpossessiveromancesecret
2022-06-19 22:28:26
"Are you sure you don't want to stay with me? We have enough space back at the base and I would love it if you stay with us. You could also share a room with me if you like." Owen said as Wayna escort
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Nice work🥰 I really love Exactly how I expected. Keep it up
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Latest Release: CHAPTER~SIXTY
2022-06-19 22:28:26
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