Tortilla Pie
Rick R. Reed
8162 words
When Anderson, homeless on the streets of Seattle, first spies Josh, a volunteer at TeenCare, he immediately falls for him, even though TeenCare forbids client/volunteer interaction. Anderson thinks: "And speaking of noticed, I think I was, just a few minutes ago. One of the volunteers was coming by and we locked eyes. You know, the way two guys do. Two gay guys, anyway, who like what they see. It's not like a casual glance -- those only last for a second or maybe two at the most -- but when two gay dudes notice each other, man, that eye-to-eye lingers. You know what I'm sayin'?

In spite of the youth center's policy of volunteers and clients interacting beyond the most superficial ways, will love discover a way around the policy, so Josh and Anderson can be together?
Tags gay erotic romance contemporary
Chapter 8
2021-12-28 14:48:08
He shrugged, looking me over. “Shelters were all full. And that park bench behind Pike Place Market? Just couldn’t get comfortable on it. So I thought I’d walk by your building and wait for you to get
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