The CEO Daddy of Genius Baby
141116 words
Her fiancé who grew up with her then now betrayed her. She ruins her own wedding, but accidentally sleeps with the most powerful man , and gets pregnant, she panics and runs away. Five years later, she returns home with her two children, and the powerful man looks at the child who looks just like him. "These 2 children, are mine?"
Tags babybillionairerunawaypregnancy
Chapter 91 - Kidnapped
2022-07-29 16:58:05
"I'm on my way, ready to go to the hospital to see if Grass she had a temporary accident." She hoped it was best, if she was really kidnapped, she had experienced that kind of feeling, it was too pain
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Latest Release: Chapter 91 - Kidnapped
2022-07-29 16:58:05
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