My Sweet Woman
124775 words
Day and night, someone didn't change her appearance in the city. In fact, there were many men who got insane to follow her. But she unable to recognize their astounding appearance because someone had come out to her mind. Sometimes, she might decided to hide her entire body so that no one will disturbed her. One night, there was a fetching guy who asked her name multiple times, and then his hands have touched to her. Actually, she felt awkward to stay with him, but her heart gave an significance on him. Was he his sweet woman in life?
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Chapter 115 Ending
2022-03-22 15:51:51
Kitty and Ruther-I fruitfully delighted to witness that the twin's birthday has been done. I also thankful to glance your face and heart. It's been three decades to handle this relationship, even if I
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Latest Release: Chapter 115 Ending
2022-03-22 15:51:51
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