Why the Caged Bird SINGS
17514 words
"I'm human and you're Lycans, how did I get born into this family." "Stop saying that, we love you no matter what. "But you all had some much trouble because of me. I'm just a screw-up." I ran out of the house crying my eyes out into my secret place, away from the world. My name is Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie, my family are all Lycans and I'm just a human.. Follow along as you read my life and why the caged birds sings.
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Two Faced Ren
2022-03-11 01:42:47
"She's been asleep for 10 days already, when will I have my baby back." I can hear Mom saying to who I guess is the doctor. Funny how I can hear everything, but I'm not awake. This lady is too much, s
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