Daughter The Sun
335882 words
The events begin with the kidnapping of Selene, who until that moment was living a normal, monotonous life as a human being, until she later discovers, after her kidnapping by the vampire king, Kaiden, that she is a creature with supernatural destructive powers and very dangerous to all creatures of the earth and on it, she is the daughter of the sent sun. To earth as an instrument of forgiveness for the fallen who were exiled to it, cursed is the curse of blood and darkness, so I called them the creatures of darkness or vampires, and I also sent as an instrument of punishment to Sirana the amphibious creatures who were born from the offspring of (Zein), the Great Satan who has been trying to procreate. A disgusting, voracious, disgusting character. Will Celine cooperate with Kayden, who kidnapped her to prevent her from falling into the hands of his enemy? Or will you rebel against it?
Tags matealphawerewolvesvampire
Chapter 129
2022-05-26 14:43:24
He delves into his past, thinks about Kyle 's words, searches within himself for a fact for which he does not find a logical explanation, leaving room for doubt to obtain from him, he thinks about Jad
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Hi author this is interesting! I have an offer regarding your novel to publish your work on another emerging app, please reach me on any of my social media ( editorwn. emma ) thank you!
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Latest Release: Chapter 129
2022-05-26 14:43:24
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