I Belong To A Wolf
Lillith Mykals Kennedy
103539 words
When Angela’s best friend, Deanne, goes missing after a date with a guy she met online, no one is looking for her. Not even her family cares that she is missing. Angela suspects a pack of wolves paid her parents off to keep her friend. Angela springs into action and sets off to find her friend even if she has to do it all alone, but Angela has stepped into a world she knows nothing about and finds herself lost with her friend. Even in the darkness, there is a light. As she adjusts to her new life and new circumstances, one of her captures, a wolf named Aspen, tries to help the two women.
Tags possessivekick-ass heroineforcedforbiddendark romancesteamywerewolvesbxg
Death comes after the madness
2022-09-26 10:47:07
Tatina POVI lay on the floor beside the tub, watching Aurora suffer. I cannot believe what I am watching. For a brief moment, I felt happiness. Now I lay here on the floor watching my new friend cover
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Latest Release: Death comes after the madness
2022-09-26 10:47:07
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