His Lost Soul
10761 words
Armando had it all. He was the son of the most respected alpha and was to be crowned alpha of the crescent pack once he was of age but one fateful day, everything was taken from him. "Lemme guess, 'Its impossible to have an alpha that can't shift!, He's practically human!, He's weak!' " I said you could tell I was pissed by my tone. "Figliolo, sappiamo entrambi che no puoi essere un alfa se non puoi cambiare. Come proteggerai I'll pacco?"( Son, we both know you can't be alpha if you can't shift. How will you protect the pack?) "I am more than capable and you know it. You've seen me train, Goddess above I can take on a wolf in any form." I retorted. I felt like beating the council just to make myself clear. "They doubt you, Armando. They don't want to see this pack conquered. They said it would be best if Raul took over." My father spoke. That struck a nerve and I stood up from my seat,walked over to my fathers desk and looked him dead in the eyes. "And you doubt me too, don't you?" I asked. Armando,now of age to become alpha,seeks what he believes is rightfully his. But what happens when he finds out it was all never really his in the first place?
Tags virginpossessivepacksupernaturalromancealphademon
Chapter 15
2023-06-06 16:12:34
A week laterINDUCTION DAYI was in my room getting ready for what will be the biggest night of my life.Me becoming Alpha.I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on my door."Come in," I said and in wal
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2022-06-16 23:20:24
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