Finding My Mr Right
Black Diamond
4576 words
Risa Johnson was the only child of Mrs Johnson, she was a young CEO. Her mother was very scared that she might die without getting to see Risa get married and have kid, She kept pressurizing Risa to get married. Meanwhile Risa was never lucky with relationships. She kept running into men that treated her well at first but break her heart in few months or weeks. Risa's best friend was always on her side all through she never wanted to see Risa cry. During mirabelle's wedding, Risa meant a guy named. She disliked for no reason or maybe because of precious heartbreaks, Zayn liked her at first sight despite the fact he had a lady he was engaged to. Zayn called of the wedding and went for Risa, Risa still wasn't interested in him even after so much persuasion from her befriend and her best friend's husband and pressure from her mum. She soon fell in love with Zayn and they got married.
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Chapter three
2022-01-04 11:10:24
“I really don't know why it has to rain“ Risa said as she cuddled a pillow. Risa went downstairs to check if Chris was still in the living room. She met him watching a movie on Netflix. “Err
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