His Unchained Love
65876 words
Having both the perfect job and boyfriend made Halzee the luckiest girl in the world or maybe not. Living in a world full of roller coasters, a snake in the grass came to suck the life out of her without her noticing it. Too bad, she discovers that it all came from the people she trusts the most in her circle of friends. Murder, lust, and betrayal. Will love still find its way to Halzee as she thirsts for revenge this time, now that she just rose from the dead...
Tags love romance betrayal friendship love triangle
Chapter 37: It must have been love
2022-05-15 23:49:33
The next day, Leylah felt nervous as soon as she woke up. As she opened her eyes, the next thing she wanted to look for was her dad. She hurried downstairs and she saw her dad preparing their breakfas
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Latest Release: Chapter 37: It must have been love
2022-05-15 23:49:33
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