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at are you doing here." She mumbled in a blank tone waiting for him to spit out the reason of him showing up. "Amy I-I am sorry I just." His throat contracted in a painful way as he couldn't find the right words to speak further. "It's Amelia. And I already forgave you. Didn't I then why are you here." He shook his head stepping forward which only caused her to step back from him. "Please Amy I want you back. I know what I did was wrong but it was a mistake and." His words cut short with a small laugh that escaped from her lips. An empty painful laugh. "Wrong. You call this wrong. A mistake. Destroying someone's life isn't a mistake Mr. Stone. It's a sin. An unforgivable sin. And a forgiveness to a sin is God's right not mine. This is the last time I am giving you a warning. Stay away from me or I will forced to contact my lawyer." A one wrong accusation turned their lives ups and down. One wrong step snatched everything from him. One wrong decision made the only person who loved him purely hate him the most. Here's the story of a Ex-Wife Amelia Kales. And the broken man Liam Stone. WARNING: IF YOUR LOOKING FOR A TYPICAL DRAMATIC EX WIFE STORY THEN KINDLY THIS STORY ISN'T FOR YOU. LASTLY IF YOU WANT A PATHETIC FEMALE LEAD THEN PLEASE EXIT. THANK YOU.
Tags Regret lovetriangle romance possessivedark
Chapter 3 Chp-2
2022-02-10 09:30:34
Author PovEverything seems to just come to ruins in Amelia and Harry??s lives. All the things that was happening to them was bad and bad. Amelia??s trust on her brother increased even more after seein
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