Love-One Step Away
50784 words
In order to get closer to the aspiration of his youth-Felix, Liam studied desperately, only to enter Steewod after graduation-the business empire that belonged to that man. When he finally entered Steewod, the distance from Felix was very far away. I can only wait to see him once every morning where he will pass. It's like drinking poison to quench thirst, let yourself sink deeper and deeper. Unexpectedly, the first time he was officially introduced into the president's office, it was because of a terrible reason-his budget misreported a "zero", which caused the company to lose 10 million US dollars. He's never been so careless, but Felix never listens to explanations and doesn't ask why, he just looks at the results. "Liam, do you want to pay back the money, or do you want to go to jail?" Thinking of his tearful parents in his mind, he had no choice but to let go of his useless self-esteem. "Then you...sell yourself to me."
Tags gay romance
Chapter 31 Leena...
2022-03-22 10:54:11
The late-night hospital can be called quiet, the restlessness in my body has never stopped, and I am completely in a state of insomnia. When the luminous clock on the wall was pointing to twelve o'
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Latest Release: Chapter 31 Leena...
2022-03-22 10:54:11
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