The Impact of Her - Season One
Nicole Marcina
63762 words
Robert was the Prince of the Kingdom of Western Wind. And he had everything. The crown. The adoration of the people. The utmost respect of noblemen inside and out of their borders. But amidst all the riches and privileges given to him by birth, Robert was unhappy with his life. Shackled to an arranged marriage and struggling with his estranged father, Robert wanted more from life. But at the same time, he didn't want to disturb the peace of everyone surrounding him. That was until she arrived.
Tags romancefantasymonarchyimmortalsforbidden
Chapter 32 Epilogue
2022-03-29 15:11:09
As the bow of the ship reached the ports, every crew member scrambled to get everything and everyone off the vessel. James instructed Gonzalo to have an army of soldiers wait for their arrival. The wo
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Latest Release: Chapter 32 Epilogue
2022-03-29 15:11:09
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