Of Roses and Lilies
Maryam Nitty Wall
16486 words
Uncertainty trails the marriage of Susan and Jude as they struggle to live up to their promises. Susan is struggling to re-ignite the feelings she shares with her husband, which seems to wither at each passing day. Will time fill the missing gap? What happens when the man you've vouched to spend the rest of your life with turns out to be a complete stranger? How do you re-ignite the feelings you share with your husband? How do you tell your husband you don't love him anymore?
Tags familyloveromance
Chapter 10 What It Means to be Brokenhearted
2022-10-20 17:39:41
It was three days after Jude revealed the dreadful news and I hadn't been myself since then. I had barely eaten and I spent most of my days in my room, crying. I claimed that I didn't love Jude anymor
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