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    Young Adult Author:Jackbampoe
    Gone Forever brings to bear the realities in life, the nothingness of man, the disappointment in lif...
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    Romance Author:Dawnbreaker
    Lily Mayer was sold to an ugly old rich man as bride by her family, all of the country knows that he...
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    New Adult Author:Micheyy
    Pearl Garcia is a twenty-year-old girl full of life. She lives with her mother Perry Garcia in a sma...
    lustyvirginkidnaphate to lovesurrender
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    Romance Author:LilGrande
    The perfect wedding is every woman's dream in this world. Loved, cherished, and considered valua...
    LovePregnantCEOTrue loveBaby
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    Young Adult Author: Moonshine
    Four young teenagers who were in the safe and warm nestle of their parents, now have a chance to go ...
    #fantasy #romcom #thriler #mystery